Black And White OST
1.Rogue Justice - Mark Chao & COLOR
2.Ruffian and Hero - Jason Zou
3.HEY BABY - Picks
4.Exiling Love - Jie Wei Ling
5.Dark Overture - Instrumental
6.About Us - Picks
7.Invasion - Instrumental
8.Plotter - Instrumental
9. Demonizing - instrumental
10.Two Types of Heroes - instrumental
11.Bright End - Instrumental
12.Mist - Instrumental
13.Perfect Stranger -Jason Zou & Picks
14.Gift -Luo Mei Ling
15.Iron Man - COLOR
16.Unseen Enemy - Instrumental
17.Truth - Instrumental
18.The Last Battle - Instrumental
19.Dark Dawn - Instrumental
20.Who Wants to Leave - Instrumental
21. Black & White - Instrumental
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